Q&A: How Does FBS Solve My Support Issues?
Sarah Dixon, FBS Support Coordinator |
Q. What's the process FBS employees follow in solving "non-routine" support questions?
A. Recently we've received a lot of questions about when a project or issue will be resolved, so I thought it might be helpful to explain the process we use for working on ongoing issues for our clients.
Issues and requests are reviewed by a three-person team with one person assigned to research the issue. The time frame on when the research begins and ends is a big variable. If your entire network is shut down, that research always takes top priority and all available resources will be directed to solving your "mission-critical" situation. If the issue isn’t as widespread and work can still be completed, then the research will be done between scheduled calls and training sessions on a first-come, first-served basis within your support plan. (Corporate and VIP Support plan subscribers receive first priority followed by Priority subscribers and finally, Basic clients.) So depending on our work load this can take from a few hours to a few days.
If we determine this is an issue related to programming logic it will be transferred to our programmers. Their queue of open cases/issues can range from between 5 and 40 items depending on the season. If it's the busy season (October-March) and the case requires programming changes, your resolution may require several weeks.
As soon as we have an answer we'll notify you and schedule a call to walk your through the solution.
While we appreciate your reminder emails and phone calls every few days, responding to daily or hourly contact only slows down the process. Please be patient with us: we are a small, but dedicated support staff and are doing the best we can for all of our clients!