Highlights from the Ag Software Success Summit, Latest Farm Management Accounting Blog posts, Preferences Preview
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FarmSMART August 2022
Peaceful Pembrokeshire countryside.
Dear Friend,
This week we returned from "holiday" to the competitive U.S. agricultural landscape. Join us as we share:
Highlights from the 2022 Ag Software Success Summit.
Links more management conferences.
Updates from the Farm Management Accounting blog.
Preferences preview.
Highlights from the 2022 Ag Software Success Summit
Thank you for joining us in Moline this week as we sampled "secret sauce," learned more effective ways to manage moving margins, and enjoyed relaxing on the river.
We'll share nuggets of knowledge in upcoming newsletters, but for now here are some photo highlights from the 2022 conference.
On board the Mississippi dinner cruise.
Randy Gangwish, Gangwish Seed Farms, Bernard Peterson, Peterson Farms, and Joe Goetz, Carthage System, share their FBS/MASA "Secret Sauce."
Did you know that FBS offers 145 Preference settings for customizing your software experience? Here's a preview of a presentation that will be offered at the 2022 Ag Software Success Summit.
Sarah Dixon, FBS Support Coordinator sarah@fbssystems.com (800.437.7638/extension 100).
FBS Systems, Inc.
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