The Ag Software Summit Summit is Comin' Together for Solutions
The lack of a robust, integrated data ecosystem that starts on the farm presents a major challenge for efforts to increase supply chain transparency, sustainability and resiliency. Not to mention, the threat this lack of integrated data poses to the sustainability and resiliency of farm operations themselves.
That's the challenge identified by Farm Journal's Trust in Food and Sustainability Consortium 2021 study of "Farmer Perspective on Data" which will launch the opening general session of the 2021 Ag Software Success Summit on Wednesday, September 8th in East Moline, Illinois (and also streaming).
This challenge will be addressed by 15 experts in technology, management, finance, and accounting.
- 2021 Updates from the Farm Financial Standards Council. (Todd Doehring, FFSC past president)
- How CTEAM (Canadian Total Excellence in Agricultural Management) Cultivates Management Excellence (Heather Broughton, Principal - AME Inc and SWG Farms Ltd.)
- Innovations to Integrate Production Technology, Finance, and Knowledge by these AgTech Allies:
- AgCompass
- Conservis/Rabobank
- Farmera (Boehringer Ingelheim)
- MyAgData
- RealmFive
- Vertical Software
- Corn/Soybean Cost of Production Update. (LattaHarris)
- Transformation through Collaboration--Margin Harvesting Through Integration. (Jon Hoek, Summit SmartFarms and Jason Toschlog, Flexware Innovation)
- FBS/MASA Updates and Vision.
- Mississippi prime rib dinner cruise.
Summit Breakout Training Sessions
Thursday, September, 9th, is reserved for concurrent basic and advanced software training sessions, including:
- FBS Best Practices.
- Getting Setup Right (and what to do if it's not).
- Scanner Interface.
- Importing Data.
- Converting from Other Software.
- How FBS Report Levels Work.
- Power Tools--Evolving Technology for Analytics and Visualization.
- Opttmizing Your Management Accounting System.
Summit Details and Deadlines
Following last year's 100% virtual experience, the 2021 Ag Software Success Summit/FBS-MASA User Conference returns with a totally new date, location, and hybrid format.
The dates are Wednesday, September 8th and Thursday, September 9th, preceded by the MASA Member Meeting on Tuesday, September 7th.
Bend XPO Event Center |
Hyatt Place on the Mississippi |
The location is the brand-new Bend XPO Event Center with hotel accommodations provided by the adjacent East Moline Hyatt Place on the Mississippi River shore. Call 309.755.6000 to reserve your discounted room in the FBS block.
The popular prime rib Mississippi River cruise returns. |
Can't attend in person? Then take advantage of our online registration. Onsite attendees, though, will enjoy a Mississippi River dinner cruise and an optional John Deere factory tour.
Call 800.437.7638 or register online today.
Don't miss this unique event! Registration closes on Friday, September 3rd.
Q&A: Select Company Screen
Q. How do I find and use the Windows File Explorer, Search Window, and FBS built-in navigation tools?
Sarah Dixon, FBS Support Coordinator
A. This month's Q&A question will be more of a tutorial on using the tools on your computer than actual FBS Software. Often when I go to support you there is some confusion over the tools I'm asking you to use so I encourage you to watch this short video.
Don't miss my live, in-depth training sessions at next week's Ag Software Success Summit. Register now.